Sunday 21 July 2013

This winter was said to be one of the wettest the south west has experienced in the past 20 years.  We certainly felt it and it was a case of noticing when it wasn't raining.  Stew efficiently got the paddock weed killed and ploughed but then we had weeks of endless rain which left us with a great big bog.  The water took a while to drain away without the grass there any more and we had to patiently wait until we could get machinery back on there.  The trusty ute even got stuck at one point.  Steve from Dunsborough Dingoes managed to remove all but one of the big rocks that were buried.  It's the one in the last photo - it wasn't going anywhere so we've covered it back up and we'll let it stay.  The other big rocks we've had broken up for landscaping.  We'll save those for Fred and Jenn's visit in Summer!

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